Keeley Electronics Envelope Filter V2
$ 190.92excl. VAT
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Neutrino Envelope Filter V2
This dynamic wah is an effect based o your pick attack or strength. The harder you pick, the harder it "wahs"

- Filter band selector L-B-H
- Selects what pass band filter is used. Low Pass (L) allows low notes to pass and cut high ones. Band Pass (B) trims both highs and lows and allows smooth midrange to pass through. High Pass (H) cuts lows and sets the pedal up to operate at high freqencies.
- Gain
- Controls the input level of the circuit.
- Peak
- Controls the filter frequency. UP=more resonance - DOWN=mellow wah
- Footswitch
- Turns the effect on and off
- Range switch
- This switch further adjust the operation range of the variable filter. Set to LO to emphasize low registers of your instrument. Set HIGH to accentuate higher notes.
- Power
- 9 volts DC 9 VDC, 25 mA